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 Sujet du message: Installation Problems
MessagePublié: Sam Août 06, 2005 10:13 pm 

Inscrit(e) le : Sam Août 06, 2005 9:51 pm
Message(s) : 3
First of all hello to everyone!

Today I downloaded the Automne CMS and was really glad, having found for what I had been looking for for a long time, I think.
But then I was really confused about how to get the installation files out of this file "automne-3_1_2-nodocs-sf". Finally, I copied the three passages of the document (to me it seemed like it was seperated in three documents: "install.txt"., "install.php" and "automne-3_1_2-nodocs-sf.tar.gz") in seperate files. I hope it was meant to be like this?. After having moved them to my Apache "htdocs" folder, I executet "install.php" and all seemed like described in the French documentation on the Automne website. It also read that the extraction of "automne-3_1_2-nodocs-sf.tar.gz" was successful.
But when I click to agree to the licence, it always returns to the extraction of the files and this goes on in an endless loop.
I don't have a clue how I could fix this problem.

Sorry, but my French is not good enough to talk about such a subject.
I hope that someone can help me in English.

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MessagePublié: Mar Août 09, 2005 4:02 pm 
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Inscrit(e) le : Mer Juin 15, 2005 8:28 am
Message(s) : 759
Localisation : Sophia Antipolis
Hi Takeo :),

First, excuse my poor english, I will try to help you.
Your method is the good one, so :
1) after the extraction, can you see all files extracted in your htdocs folder ?
2) if all the files are correctly extracted, you can try to remove the file automne-3_1_2-nodocs-sf.tar.gz. Then re-launch install.php (it will skip the extract process).
3) if your problem persists, can you send me a copy of your phpinfo ?



 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun Août 15, 2005 10:12 pm 

Inscrit(e) le : Sam Août 06, 2005 9:51 pm
Message(s) : 3
Thanks a lot for your help!
(a bit late, because I've been on holiday)

But unfortunately that didn't solve the problem, because after the extraction I don't see any new files in my "htdocs" folder.
I tried to extract the files with WinRAR but that doesn't really work, because after the files are extracted I get an error message and there are only "403.php", "404.php" & "CHANGELOG" (they can't be all, can they?). So I think the problem is the archive.

By the way, what is phpinfo?

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 17, 2005 9:25 am 
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Inscrit(e) le : Mer Juin 15, 2005 8:28 am
Message(s) : 759
Localisation : Sophia Antipolis
Indeed the problem must come from the archive file because with winrar decompression must function.
I tested the file on sourceforge, it works so you can try to redownload it.

A phpinfo file is the file that you got by creating a file phpinfo.php on the server. This file should contain only the following code:
Then launch it in your browser, that will give you the whole configuration of your Apache/PHP server.

 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Mer Août 17, 2005 2:14 pm 

Inscrit(e) le : Sam Août 06, 2005 9:51 pm
Message(s) : 3
Thanks again!

But I still don't get the archive file working. :? Could you maybe send me copy of yours? That would be great!

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 17, 2005 2:53 pm 
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Inscrit(e) le : Mer Juin 15, 2005 8:28 am
Message(s) : 759
Localisation : Sophia Antipolis
Our archive file is the same of the one on sourceforge and it's too big to be sent by mail.
Re-download it and if extraction fail again, send me a copy of your phpinfo or an url where i can test it.

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MessagePublié: Mer Août 31, 2005 2:29 pm 
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Inscrit(e) le : Mer Juin 15, 2005 8:28 am
Message(s) : 759
Localisation : Sophia Antipolis
Hi Takeo,
If your problem persists, try with this install.php file here :

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