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 Sujet du message: problems on installation
MessagePublié: Ven Jan 08, 2010 6:23 pm 

Inscrit(e) le : Ven Jan 08, 2010 6:20 pm
Message(s) : 2

I have downloaded the cms and I can not pass the first step it says could not find config.php

I have runned the test:

This file test all needed parameters to run Automne V4.
PHP version OK (5.2.11)
GD extension OK
PDO extension OK
PDO MySQL driver OK
MySQL connection and version OK (5.0.87-community)
Multibyte String (mbsring) extension OK
Warning, LDAP extension not installed (only needed if LDAP authentification is used)
Warning, Xapian extension not installed (only needed if ASE module is installed)
Website root filesystem permissions are OK
SMTP server OK
Memory limit OK
Error, passthru() and exec() commands not available
Error, installed php is not the CLI version :
Error, PHP magic_quotes_gpc is active and cannot be changed

Can you help me?

 Sujet du message: Re: problems on installation
MessagePublié: Ven Jan 08, 2010 6:34 pm 
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Inscrit(e) le : Mer Juin 15, 2005 8:28 am
Message(s) : 759
Localisation : Sophia Antipolis
Have you run install.php file ?

You should :

1) download the file ... all.tar.gz

2) extract manually all the content of this archive into your document root.

3) run the file install.php or the file atm-test-conf.php if you have an error.

By the way, this error "Error, passthru() and exec() commands not available" will be a problem if you want to use all functions of the CMS. You should contact your hoster to change this configuration ...

 Sujet du message: Re: problems on installation
MessagePublié: Ven Jan 08, 2010 6:48 pm 

Inscrit(e) le : Ven Jan 08, 2010 6:20 pm
Message(s) : 2

I have downloaded the automne4-v4_0_0rc3-install

Then I send the 3 files to the server:

When I run the install it says cannot find the config.php

The atm-tes-conf I have post it on the post before.

Now, what I do not understand is how to run the install. Are you telling me to unzip the file automne4-v4_0_0rc3.tar.gz and send it to the same directory that are the other files?

I thought that I could run the install by the file install.php.

Do you have msn or skype so that we can talk a litle?

I like this cms and after a few tests that i like to make, i will think to translate it to portuguese.

Give me a call.


 Sujet du message: Re: problems on installation
MessagePublié: Lun Jan 11, 2010 10:11 am 
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Inscrit(e) le : Mer Juin 15, 2005 8:28 am
Message(s) : 759
Localisation : Sophia Antipolis

Your explanations are good and you understand how to do it, so I do not explain why you have this messages.

You must call the file install.php from your browser (http://your-domain.tld/install.php) then it should handle the decompression of the file automne4-v4_0_0rc3.tar.gz, and create the config.php.

You can try to decompress the archive automne4-v4_0_0rc3.tar.gz yourself then run again the file install.php or you can send me the access to your host (via private message) so I can test it myself and understand why it's not working normally.


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